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Kiwi species

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There are five species of kiwi with various groups within the species.


Living in the southern-most parts of Aotearoa, Tokoeka have sub-species in the Haast Range, Fiordland and Rakiura (Stewart Island).

Rakiura/Stewart Island tokoeka. Image: LEARNZ.

Brown kiwi

Brown kiwi are divided into four sub-groups:

  • Western brown kiwi
  • Eastern brown kiwi
  • Coromandel brown kiwi
  • North Island brown kiwi

North Island brown kiwi - Image: LEARNZ.

Little spotted kiwi (pukupuku)

Little spotted kiwi is the smallest kiwi species. They are only found on predator-free islands (most are on Kapiti Island) and within Zealandia (formerly Karori Sanctuary) in Wellington.

Little spotted kiwi - Image: DOC.

Great spotted kiwi (roroa)

Great spotted kiwi is the tallest kiwi species. They are found in three natural populations; northwest Nelson, the Paparoa Range, and near Arthur's Pass.

Great spotted kiwi - Image: LEARNZ.


Rowi is the rarest kiwi species. There are only 375 birds. The only wild population is at Ōkārito, near Franz Josef Waiau, on the West Coast of the South Island.

Rowi - Image: LEARNZ.

Did you know that a kiwi’s call can carry several kilometres?

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