Dear Parent/Caregiver/Whanau
There are lots of ways you can support your child with their LEARNZ virtual field trip experience. However, while supporting your child with LEARNZ, keep safe on the Internet- more at Net Safe.
We recommend that, with your child, you explore the self-contained website that is created for each LEARNZ field trip. Note: For some completed field trips, you may need the class login which your child's teacher has set up and can share with you. Ask the teacher for the class login. The class login consists of a class username and a class password. See the catalog of field trips.
Before the virtual field trip, with your child, on the field trip web site
- explore the background material which you can read or listen to (example background readings from Memorial Park - no login needed).
- try the online activities (example online activities about Kauri Dieback - no login needed)
During the virtual field trip, with your child, on the field trip web site
- watch the videos and try to answer the questions (example videos and questions from Kauri Dieback - no login needed)
- read the diaries (example diaries from Kauri Dieback - no login needed)
- view the photos (example photos from Kauri Dieback - no login needed)
- listen to answers from experts (a login is needed to access older audioconferences and an access code (in teacher's MyLEARNZ) is needed to access newer web conferences)
- follow LEARNZ on twitter or follow one of the LEARNZ field trip teachers, Andrew on twitter or Shelley on twitter
Read with your child related books about the topic. Your child's teacher or school librarian or the librarian at your local public library will be able to recommend related readings.
Discuss the topic with your wider family at mealtimes or while travelling and include your child's thoughts, knowledge and opinions.
Create something based on what your child has learned and share it. Maybe photograph it with a smart phone and get it put on the class blog ...
Have a question? email
See the draft text of a letter from your teacher about LEARNZ.
Enjoy the experience!
From the LEARNZ Team.