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Ambassador Eddy

<-- Homepage What's the Plan, Stan? Get ready for an emergency

Hello everyone, tēnā koutou,

I am Eddy, Andrew's LEARNZ ambassador. I go on all the trips with Andrew and help look after the other ambassadors from your schools.

I really love LEARNZ field trips about New Zealand's special and interesting places. I am looking forward to going to the Bay of Plenty and finding out more about getting ready for the impacts of natural hazards.



Tuesday 13 October

Kia ora tātou

It was great weather today...for ducks! Rain, rain, and more rain. I learned a lot though, such as what causes tsunami and what we all need to know in the event of one. There can be tsunami that are generated close to our shores or from far away. So, if you are near the coast and you feel a long or strong earthquake, you need to get to higher ground quickly. The earthquake might have been out at sea near our shores, and so there might be an tsunami arriving soon.

Tomorrow we will find out more about earthquakes and how to prepare for thier impacts.

Ka kite,


Wednesday 14 October

Kia ora koutou,

Today we learned about the science of earthquakes. Brad Scott from GNS Science explained that the earth can bend and change shape. But if it bends too far, rocks start to break. When this happens, we have an earthquake. It is amazing to think that rocks can bend! And we’re talking very big rocks too so there must be a lot of force behind an earthquake! That is why we all need to prepare for the impacts of an emergency like an earthquake.

Catch you tomorrow after ShakeOut!


Thursday 15 October

Kia ora koutou,

Today was the ShakeOut earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi. Did you do ShakeOut too? I sure can see the reason for doing Drop Cover Hold. I hope you know by now that this is the best action to take if an earthquake happens. And if the earthquake is long and strong, get gone – but make sure you know where the tsunami evacuation route is!

I have had a super week. I met some friendly, helpful people and learned a lot along the way. Andrew and I are going to work on our own emergency plans to make sure they are up to date. We’ll also check our emergency supplies and see if anything needs updating or replacing.

See you on another field trip soon!


Eddy is looking forward to finding out more about getting ready for the impacts of natural hazard emergencies. 

Tuesday. Eddy learned a lot about preparing for the impacts of a tsunami.

Wednesday. Eddy is at the Rangitaiki River mouth learning about Drop Cover Hold.

Thursday. Eddy as at Matatā Public School for ShakeOut 2020.