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A grouping of people who agree to work together.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

A greenhouse gas that works to trap heat close to Earth. It helps Earth hold the energy it receives from the Sun, so it doesn’t all escape back into space. It is one of the key essential greenhouse gases that warms the earth.

Carbon footprint

The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere because of the activities of an individual, organization, or community.


A person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.

Construction industry

Businesses involved in building, maintaining, and repairing structures. This includes drilling and solid mineral exploration.

Cultural legacy

Anything that is passed down or received from ancestors or from people who have come before.

Cultural monitoring

An assessment and monitoring method that can identify and articulate iwi/hapū values and perspectives.


Someone or something worshiped as a god.


A place, situation, or group in which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues.

Fossil fuels

Oil and coal are examples of fossil fuels. The name fossil refers to the fact that these energy sources are made from once living organisms (ancient plants and animals) that have been fossilised and compressed underground over millions of years. This pressure leads to them changing into fuels like coal, oil, petroleum, and natural gas.


Something that is released into the environment e.g. smoke from a fire, fumes from a car.

Greenhouse gas

Greenhouse gases are gases in Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat. They let sunlight pass through the atmosphere, but they prevent the heat that the sunlight brings from leaving the atmosphere. Overall, greenhouse gases are a good thing. Without them, our planet would be too cold, and life as we know it would not exist. But there can be too much of a good thing. Scientists are worried that human activities are adding too much of these gases to the atmosphere.


Public and private physical structures such as roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, and telecommunications.


Guardianship and protection. It is a way of managing the environment, based on the Māori world view.

Mana whenua

The indigenous people (Māori) who have historic and territorial rights over the land.

National grid

The network of high voltage power lines that go from power stations to electricity users such as people in houses and factories.


A raised, level surface. Platforms at train stations let passengers get on and off the train easily and safely.

Public transport

Bus transport is the main form of public transport in New Zealand. Auckland and Wellington also have suburban rail systems. Some cities also operate local ferry services. Aeroplanes are also part of the public transport network.


The word used to show that a resource can be replaced relatively quickly. Renewable energy is made from resources that nature will replace, like wind, water, and sunshine. Renewable energy is also called "clean energy" or "green power" because it doesn't pollute the air or the water.

Staff induction

The process for welcoming newly recruited employees and supporting them to adjust to their new roles and working environments.


Soil, dirt, and rubble produced when you dig holes and bore tunnels.


Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves natural resources, as well as social equity and economic development.

Tunnel Boring Machine or TBM

A machine used to bore out earth to create a tunnel. It also lines the tunnel with concrete segments as it moves through the hole it has cut.

Workforce diversity

Similarities and differences among employees in terms of age, cultural background, physical abilities and disabilities, race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation.