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<- Homepage: Taonga tuku iho: keeping our heritage alive. Also Curriculum and Resources.

Ancestor/ Ancestry

An ancestor is a person from whom one is descended or who lived in the past. The line of people from whom a person descends is referred to as their ancestry.


An object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest.


Mark an event or person by doing or producing something. Recall and show respect for something or someone.


A pattern of behaviour shared by a society, or group of people. Many different things make up a society's culture. These things include food, language, clothing, tools, music, arts, customs, beliefs, and religion.


A traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time.

Flora and fauna

Plants and animals


Strong walls, towers, etc. that are built to protect a place.


Features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and are still important.


The study of past events, people, places etc. The study of history can help us understand the present and make better decisions for the future. It is a story that can be enjoyed and shared with others. History can also help us feel connected to our past and to the people who came before us.

Intangible heritage

A practice, representation, knowledge, or skill. We can experience intangible heritage through things like customs, traditions, stories, crafts, sports, music, and dance.


People tasked with teaching religious beliefs.

Mission/mission station

Historically, missions or mission stations have been religious communities used to spread belief in Christianity to local indigenous populations.

Natural heritage

Our natural resources. It includes our forests, waterways, wetlands, landscapes and geological structures, and native fauna and flora.