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Share your Matariki

<--Matariki: A wānanga with Dr Rangi Matamua

As a whole class, group or individually, what are some ways you could celebrate Matariki in 2022? Will you share a meal together? Could you learn and recite a kaikōhau to bring in the Māori new year? See the Teacher page for more ideas.

Share the ways your ākonga plan to celebrate, or have already celebrated Matariki with us. Send us video, images or another creative, instagrammable format and we’ll repost these on LEARNZ Instagram and LEARNZ Facebook, #Matariki2022.

Share your Matariki.

How to share

Share your Matariki by sending us a small file (less than 10Mb). You can do this as an attachment to share@learnz.org.nz.*

If it's a large file, send us a link to a publicly accessible file. For example, entries can be uploaded onto a YouTube account with the privacy option on ‘Public'. Or send a link to a file in your school Google drive, set it to ‘Anyone with a link’, as ‘Viewer’. Please do not send in large source files.

Make sure you provide us with the name of your school and year group in the email you send us.

*By sharing, you grant LEARNZ with permission to use digital creations in connection with this LEARNZ resource and for future promotion purposes in LEARNZ, and waive any claims to royalty, right, or remuneration for such use.