fbpx Raranga tuku iho, tohatoha whiwhi ōrite - dual heritage, shared future | LEARNZ

Raranga tuku iho, tohatoha whiwhi ōrite - dual heritage, shared future

Welcome to Raranga tuku iho, tohatoha whiwhi ōrite - dual heritage, shared future , held during the Tuia250 year. This term 3 trip is supported by the Ministry of Education/Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga and Department of Conservation/Te Papa Atawhai. The field trip is from 9 to 11 September 2019.


This field trip is offered in both te reo Māori and English. Ka kawea tēnei hīkoi ki te reo Māori me te reo Pākehā. It will be presented in English by Andrew the LEARNZ Teacher and presented in te reo Māori by Teanau Tuiono.

This year New Zealand will mark 250 years since the first meetings between Māori and Europeans during James Cook and the Endeavour's 1769 voyage to Aotearoa New Zealand.

The 250th anniversary is a time to learn about and reflect on the first onshore encounters between Māori and non-Māori, and the feats of Polynesian navigators and explorers who reached and settled in Aotearoa New Zealand many years earlier. Tuia - Encounters 250, or Tuia250 for short, is a national commemoration of the multiple histories that formed our nation and an opportunity for us all as New Zealanders to talk about our rich histories and our national identity.

Field-trip-introduction in English from LEARNZ on Vimeo.

Field trip introduction in Te Reo Māori from LEARNZ on Vimeo.


This field trip, based in Te Tai Tokerau Northland will take you back in time to the arrival of Polynesians in Te Pēwhairangi/Bay of Islands, investigating their archaeological remains and exploring the way of life of our earliest explorers; then the arrival of Europeans and an exploration of the world we live in now and our future.

I tēnei o ngā ngā hīkoi i Te Tai Tokerau ka whakahoki mahara tātou ki te ūnga mai o ngā iwi o Poronīhia ki Te Pēwhairangi o Aotearoa. Ka mātaihia ngā kitenga ā-huakanga, ka tūhuratia hoki i te ao o ō tātou tīpuna pōkai whenua tōmua. Kātahi ka huri ki te ūnga mai o Tauiwi me te tūhura i te ao e noho nei tātau ka mutu, te ao kei mua i a tātau.

Woven into this bilingual field trip is an expectation that students will create their own artefacts be they fish lures, karakia, carvings, storytelling, or personal taonga.

Field Trip Plan

    Monday 9 September / Rāhina, Mahuru 9, 2019

    Day 1: Polynesian first contact with Aotearoa.

    Tuesday 10 September / Rātu, Mahuru 10, 2019

    Day 2: European first contact with Māori and Aotearoa.

    Wednesday 11 September / Rātapa, Mahuru 11, 2019

    Day 3: The present and the future.


    Tuia250 Northland