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Ambassador Alvin

Tēnā koutou,

I am Alvin the LEARNZ ambassador. I go on all the trips with Shelley and help look after the other ambassadors from your schools. This is going to be an awesome adventure down to Antarctica!

Based at Scott Base you will work with experts from the Antarctic Heritage Trust and scientists to find out more about the last 100 years of science in Antarctica.

I can't wait to head back down to Antarctica and I look forward to you joining us for this trip of a lifetime.

See you soon,


Tuesday 8 November

Kia ora koutou,

Even though this is my fourth trip down to Antarctica I still find it exciting. It was cool to see how excited the other ambassadors were on their first trip here. We had a smooth flight and managed to have good views of the sea ice and mountains of Victoria Land.

I helped the other ambassadors with their field training today and learnt more about how to predict the weather here, which is really helpful. I can’t wait to visit the TAE hut tomorrow.

See you then,


Wednesday 9 November

Kia ora,

I learnt about the history of Scott Base today. This base would not exist if Hillary and his team had not built their hut here during the Trans-Antarctic Expedition. During this expedition Hillary led his team on a tractor journey to the South Pole – a journey of over 2000 kilometres.

It is great to see how the Antarctic Heritage Trust is restoring Hillary’s Hut. They are working really hard to fix the leaking roof and remove asbestos from the walls inside. I think the hut will look much better when it is painted its original orange and yellow.

Tomorrow we are going to explore a much older hut.

See you in the morning,


Thursday 10 November

Kia ora,

There was a strong wind blowing this morning making it feel much colder than yesterday. Tiny ice crystals were being blown around in the air and they looked like glitter.

It was neat to visit Discovery Hut, the oldest hut in the Ross Sea Area. This hut was built by Scott and his team in 1902 but it was not a very good hut to live in so it was just used for storing food and equipment. It is hard to believe that this hut was filled with snow a few years ago and had to be restored by the Antarctic Heritage Trust. 

I managed to head out for a walk this evening – it was great to get a view out over Scott Base.

See you tomorrow,


Friday 11 November

Kia ora,

We were lucky enough to travel out to Cape Evans today to see Scott’s Terra Nova Hut. Mike, who is an Antarctic Field Trainer, drove the Hagglund, it wasn’t as much fun as a skidoo but it was much warmer!

I love travelling on sea ice on a nice sunny day, you can see for miles and the view is incredible. I could see icebergs trapped in the sea ice. Scott’s Hut was really cool. It’s hard to believe that 25 people lived here for over two years. There was a lot of science equipment in the hut and I even saw a stuffed emperor penguin, which we made sure Polly didn’t see.

Tomorrow we are travelling even further north to Cape Royd’s.

Bye for now,


Monday 14 November

Kia ora,

We were lucky enough to be able to head back out on the Hagglund today. We travelled all the way out to Cape Royds to visit Shackleton’s Nimrod Hut.

It was really cool to see a new part of Ross Island and visit a specially protected area. Shackleton’s Hut looked like a pretty comfortable place to be but quite small for 15 people. It was neat to listen to the stories that Lizzie told about the expedition and imagine the scientists working through the year, even in the darkness of winter.

I can’t wait to visit a modern science camp tomorrow.

Catch you then,


Tuesday 15 November

Kia ora,

This has been an amazing field trip and I cannot believe how lucky we have been with the weather. There have been no storms and we didn’t have to change any of our plans. We even managed to fit in a helicopter ride out to K131’s field camp on the sea ice.

The scientists at the camp are studying sea ice and the processes that lead to sea ice growth. They had some very fancy equipment and I was impressed with all the technology they had. Scientists today certainly have it easier than 100 years ago.

I must go and pack now so I will see you back in New Zealand.



Alvin the LEARNZ Ambassador can't wait to head back to Antarctica. Image: LEARNZ.

Alvin on board the C17 aircraft on its way to Antarctica. Image: LEARNZ.

Alvin takes a walk outside Scott Base. Image: LEARNZ.

Alvin enjoys the views out over McMurdo Sound. Image: LEARNZ.

Alvin outside Scott's Terra Nova Hut at Cape Evans. Image: LEARNZ.

Alvin explores Shackleton's Hut out at Cape Royds. Image: LEARNZ.

Alvin visits scientists out at their field camp. Image: LEARNZ.