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Videos: Explore outdoors

Tuesday 18 February

1. Explore Wānaka by air

Jump aboard a helipcopter to discover why this region is famous for its tracks and trails. See lakes, mountains, braided rivers, glaciers and beech forests. Find out why the snow is orange at the moment.

2. Prepare for your outdoor adventure

Meet Stephen Day from Walking Access New Zealand and see what to do beforehand and what to take on your own outdoor adventures.

3. Looking after the areas we explore

Talk with Chris Arbuckle, an evironmental scientist and find out how you can look after the environment when you out exploring.

4. Share the trail

Get on your bike on the outlet river trail in Wānaka. See how to share the trail and ride responsibly.

Wednesday 19 February

1. Explore Mount Aspiring Station

Meet Randall Aspinall, who along with his wife Alison owns Mount Aspiring Station. Find out how to ask for permission to cross privately owned land and how to treat this land with respect.

2. Protecting Special Areas

Visit a part of Mount Aspiring Station that is protected by a covenant. Talk to Rob Wardle from the QEII Conservation Trust to discover how to protect special areas on privately owned land. 

3. Protection for the Hector's Tree Daisy

Take a closer look at a threatened species growing on Mount Aspiring Station. Find out why this species is hard to protect and why it is an important part of the local ecosystem.

4. Predator Control in the Matukituki Valley

Help Paul Hellebrekers from the Matukituki Charitable Trust set a trap for predators. See how these traps work and why they are needed.

Thursday 20 February

1. Find Your Adventure

Join Stephen from Walking Access New Zealand to discover how to find trails by using the new 'Find My Adventure' app.

2. Choose Your Adventure Carefully

Take a walk up towards Roy's Peak in Wānaka and see how important it is to know a bit about a trail before attempting it. Find out why the most famous tracks aren't always the best choice.

3. The Benefits of Exploring Outdoors

Enjoy the views over Lake Wānaka and discover how spending time outdoors can improve your health and wellbeing.

4. Top Outdoor Spot Competition

Take inspiration from this field trip to explore your own tracks and trails, then enter the Top Outdoor Spot Competition to share your favourite locations.

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Video question sheet - Word (31k) | PDF (217k) | Google doc to use for each video (based on SOLO Taxonomy).