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What’s in your bin?

We all have a responsibility to make sure we follow recycling guidelines. What system do you have at home that separates waste and recyclables?

Unsorted garbage pile.

In 2018 we travelled to Redvale Energy Park and Landfill to investigate the 5 R's - reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, and residual management. In the video below, Waste Management Commercial Manager Tim gives an overview of our responsibility when it comes to sorting waste.

Ponder this

Consider the following questions. You could talk about your ideas with your favourite people at home or online.

  1. What types of materials are recyclable or compostable?
  2. Why do you think people still put recyclable and compostable materials into their general household waste?
  3. What can you do to make sure you are not putting recyclable or compostable products into your rubbish bin?


What’s in your bin?

Do a household bin inspection. When your home rubbish bin is full, tip it out onto a sheet of plastic or some newspaper. Use gloves and rummage around to see if there are any recyclables. How has your rubbish changed now you have to stay at home, and with most of the shops closed?

Repurpose your recycling

A lot of material bypasses the recycling stream and ends up in landfill. Look through your recycling. Could you repurpose any of it into something useful? Create a recyclable item from your house into something that has a new use (you might need to ask an adult first).

Ask an adult to post a picture of your repurposed recycling on Instagram. Use the hashtags #learnztrips, #repurposedwaste, or email a photo to LEARNZtrips. Tell us about your discoveries and creations if you want to. 

We’ll share some of your images on our Instagram space @learnztrips.

Want to know more?

Visit Redvale Energy Park and Landfill, a modern, engineered facility that captures landfill gas for use in power generation.