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PO Box 13 678,
Christchurch 8141,
New Zealand
We really enjoyed being a speaking school. We used all the components of the field trip web site - Background pages, Interactive Activities, Photos and Captions, Māori Keywords, Videos, Web Conferences, Ambassadors.
I have been really surprised about the increase in engagement I have seen because we sent our class ambassador on the trip. The video and photo content made the experience accessible to all of my Year 3-4 students. Overall it was great for NZC: Vision - sustainability and environment, Values - community and sustainability, Principles - Community engagement and future focus, Key Competencies (all five), Learning Areas - English and Social Science (but could be linked to any other).
Children were highly engaged with the (e)learning. Having the children's own questions answered was so valuable and we loved the link to SOLO, supporting children going from surface to deep. We loved how the children could listen to the background pages not just having to read them. The unit was integrated so well across the learning areas of NZC.
Highly valuable integrated learning. Inclusive. This field trip helped students develop knowledge and understanding of the 5R's of waste management, as they did not have this before, and to think about making a difference by reducing waste.
This field trip beautifully complimented our work on Tuia 250. Really good for Treaty of Waitangi, Māori history - te Ao Māori, and Social Science.
Appropriate, as it added to the class learning on our topic of Explorers. The field trip allowed for independent work such as reading background pages and completing activities but it also enabled me to have authentic extension reading activities for my top reading groups.
I really enjoy the experience of using the LEARNZ field trip as it adds to classroom experiences by being relevant, authentic and with experts adds real value to the children's learning. I use the field trips when the topic is relevant to one that I am already completing with my class, rather than add in as an extra.
This field trip was highly engaging for our akonga/students. Once I understood how to use the site better, it was a terrific teaching resource. It provided what I feel was a "living" experience. Akonga could explore their learning, in a way, as they would if they were there.
My students were able to relate to the content easily. Material naturally provided support for reinforcing the Key Competencies - Managing self and Relating to others. Cost effective way to bring authentic learning and experts into the classroom.
This field trip was very effective for my class because we have a railway line close to our school and within our community. I really wish I had to opportunity to learn in this way when I was at school. Everyday the tamariki in my class look look forward to accessing the new information, watching the web conferences and speaking to experts or listening to the audios.
Brought NZC alive e.g. "Participating and contributing" to create questions, as well as "Relating to others" by practising asking questions of experts. A sense of community and commitment extended from class group to wider world. Extended student view of He Waka Eke Noa.
Our ākonga learned heaps about archaeology and sustainablility. All of the Key Competencies were used when engaging with this mahi. We appreciated how Māori culture was woven through as well.
Our unit had a strong Maori Achievement focus - we really appreciate the links that the field trip allowed us to make to early Maori, and the cultural DNA of being explorers and innovators. This allowed us to link to the learning competencies and vision of the NZC.
More than just a virtual trip for us; as we live in Whitianga it is very relevant for our tamariki on so many levels and the TUIA commemoration adds to that. The nature of LEARNZ means you can utilise the resources how you see fit, and it is easy to adapt to be appropriate no matter the level of your students.
The archaeology theme helped make my lessons/teaching culturally responsive. I love being part of this learning too. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be on the journey as well!!
Students said they loved learning about the history of Ahuahu and the eradication of pests (dear to their hearts) and really enjoyed learning about archaeology, which for most of them was very new.
Great reading resource. Fresh and up to date. Great for students to view videos and photos. Brings other places and people to us.
The diaries, photos and captions made my Year 2 class aware of the history of another area, so they could relate it to our own area.
The values of ecological sustainability and inquiry stand out. Future focus Principle. Connected life-long learners. Postive feedback from Māori and Pakeha students alike. Lots of links to our Year 8 Science program, especially Nature of Science, helping students understand how science takes place in the real world.
This field trip has enabled many classes in our school to access really important learning about a significant local place. The material provided insight into conservation and historical concepts relevant to all new Zealanders. Our students gained an excellent understanding of these concepts thanks to this field trip, which has led to our own potential pest control project here at Whitianga Estuary.
The students thoroughly enjoyed the field trip to Ahuahu Great Mercury Island. Although it was a virtual trip, the concept of interacting with real people, animals and landscape made it seem very real and helped them to connect their learning. Sending an ambassador was awesome for the students too! Principles, Values, Key Competencies and Learning Areas of the NZ Curriculum were all very well supported in the field trip.
My students enjoy being able to read and listen to the background pages so they can all do the interactive quizzes, which is also a great motivation for the boys in my class as it brings out their competitive nature!
It put tikanga Maori into a real-life situation. Videos were especially interesting. Good way of showing how kaupapa Maori ways relate to modern conservationist thinking in NZ.
The learning in the field trip fitted perfectly with our Social Science focus for the term and was an appropriate level for my Year 7/8 class. It also linked in with Science Fair work - so helped keep students engaged.
We got some great deep learning happening and it brought up a lot of questions from the students. During the learning there was a lot of reference to language as well as values; both the NZC ones and our own school ones.