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Natural Hazards

The live web conference was an excellent experience for my students to connect with experts. It has sparked more curiosity for the students and has led well into their scientific inquiries.

Kimberley Rivett from Alfriston School

Gave us some great connections and real life examples of what we have been reading, talking and doing experiments about. It tapped into a lot of natural interest we have in our class, especially following our visit to a geyser at Te Puia.

Erin Neilson from Selwyn Ridge School

The experience has provided me with another tool to help teach my students and provide them with another learning tool to learn. Students are beginning to thinking more critically about the world we live in and how it all works. Seeing themselves on screen talking to experts and listening to other schools ask questions, that were answered, was very helpful.

Dawn Mendes from Hawera Intermediate

The resources and information from this field trip are going to continue to be useful for the rest of this term. The connections that are made for our students to see others involved and other parts of our country/world are fantastic.

Denise Barrington from Kerikeri Primary School

From the NZC, all Principles, Values covered in the programme, Key Competencies all used to reinforce learning; Science - natural hazards - future focus.

Helen Gibson from Hilltop School

It got the children thinking about volcanoes and earthquakes in NZ. Clear topics and answers were in kid talk.

Alison Ferris from Rangitoto School

It was effective and was presented in such a way that it was really enjoyable, and the learning appropriate. LEARNZ trips give a great insight into the world and allow us to see and learn things we otherwise would not. Great learning tool - making learning real.

Elley Mullany from Mullany Homeschool

We absolutely loved this Iceland field trip and got so much out of it, that it took over a very intense 3 weeks of our learning. The content was so well pitched that all our children from year 1-8 could understand and learn from it.

Teresa Jones from Waitoriki School

It has been fantastic for children to speak with experts. Sending our ambassador this time just made it all so real. Such an excellent teaching resource. Nothing like it anywhere else.

Dorothy Hutton from Columba College

It was at a perfect level for Level 3 to 4 of the Curriculum with extension opportunities. We participated live in one web conference but being able to replay all the web conferences was awesome! Took away the need for all the paperwork now needed for any outdoor education trip!

Joanne Haselden from Orewa College

The field trip gave my students a good hook into volcanoes and natural hazards. It supported the science learning area well. Watching the scientist's plane trip sparked my kids curiousity, as did the trip up the volcano.

Sarah Hey from Northcote School

Supported collaboration, inquiry, and taught specific knowledge about the subject.

Richard Baylis from Hawera Intermediate

I loved that the children were involved in creating the content by writing the questions for Ben and Shelley. Matched our inquiry concept of "Change" perfectly. Encouraged lots of 21st century skills and great learning.

Kate Hamill from Masterton Intermediate

It was really engaging and held the students' interest. The online support was fabulous, as there was a lot of support and different material and ideas.

Louise Lynch from Belfast School

Absolutely ideal for my year level 3 & 4.

Seuga Frost from Ohau School

The field trip allowed the children to dig deeper than just volcanism in Iceland. Students followed up with research on NZ Geology and experimenting making ther own lava, like Ben does in his lab!

Siobhan Connor from Masterton Intermediate

Linked well into our unit on puia and maunga, with good information in the background pages and activities. Dipping into videos was useful. Fitted well with our unit, which is assessing Earth Systems at Level 4/5 of the NZC. It also allowed for participation and contribution for both the KCs and the NoS branch of Pūtaiao.

Georgina Barrett from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whanau Tahi

The kids actioning the Key Competencies through a field trip was new and interesting for them.

Jared Hopkins from Cobham Intermediate

Ecological Restoration

The photos especially helped my ESOL students to learn about New Zealand and its environment. We will be going to Natureland as an actual field trip later in Term 4 and a bird sanctuary, which will reinforce the concepts we have looked at during the Virtual Field trip.

Annette Vartha from Nelson College for Girls

My students loved it and felt quite special being one of the speaking schools. Engagement was high with all students - it was also a great catalyst for some reluctant writers. The site and learning is structured in a way that promotes self-management and critical thinking. It also sparked a lot of genuine interest around meaningful projects in our local area.

Paul Hammond from Greytown School

My class were very engaged in the web conference. This trip supported the science learning area and the children were keen to learn more.

Kim-Sherree Dalton from Kaharoa School

It was awesome to see students a similar age taking action in their communities. Worked really well with our science focus of protecting and creating habitats.

Sarah Hey from Northcote School

Excellent resources, great engagement from the learners and provoked good thinking surrounding our own restoration project. Fully supported the science learning areas of Living World (Ecology L1-6) and Planet Earth & Beyond (Earth Systems L3-4).

Andrea Tong from Academy for Gifted Education

The link to Te Reo vocabulary was great. The videos, ability to listen as well as read the texts, the quizzes and diaries were all great. They encouraged me to hand over responsibility for learning more to the children and gave them ownership of the tasks. Some more introverted children shared some great findings from the field trip.

Emily Forne from Shotover Primary School

I have been using LEARNZ for over 10 years - it is so awesome. Extremely beneficial in helping students see real life issues outside of the classroom. 

Daniele Cuthbert from Edgecumbe School
