You can contact LEARNZ, part of CORE Education, at:
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PO Box 13 678,
Christchurch 8141,
New Zealand
Great visual learning, auditory learning, and inquiry learning. I like the way Māori words are put into every context of the trip.
Very well rounded experiences. Used partly to prepare for a visit to our local Marae and learning about Matariki. Visual experiences great for class.
We have been researching about Captain Cook and we are also preparing for a Marae visit so components of the field trip have been particularly relevant. The easy background pages and the associated activities were just right for my Year 4 class. It is always interesting to learn from Shelley and Andrew while they are on location. The students develop a connection with them, particularly if they participate in an audio conference.
Highly engaging and extremely usable! Students gained in constructing questions to put to experts. Interpreting and making meaning of a variety of language and symbols, managing self, relating to others and also developed a wealth of knowledge about the topic.
It backed up our camp from last year when we looked at the Waitemata Harbour and we are looking forward to the upcoming LEARNZ field trip to Lake Taupo, continuing our water inquiry. On this field trip, students compared the two harbours which reinforced their learning.
It was fantastic. Highly engaging for our children and added another dimension to their learning. As well as gaining an understanding of Argo Floats, students also gained an insight into scientific research and careers as a scientist.
The videos and photo gallery were very popular. The children had access to tablets, which were well used as the children investigated the information supplied independently. The children enjoyed the field trip and have a much better understanding of the Argo Floats than if they had used in-class resources only.
None of the students had done a trip before but now they are hooked. Some children chose to read texts again for homework. They were very interested in all the readings about the Argo floats; the students have a very positive view of what scientists are doing and learning about our oceans.
Students loved it. Specifically noticed lower level students had high engagement and enjoyed the whole-class, real-world learning.
They learnt a lot and I hear them telling others all about it. Loved the connection to the sea and the environment.
Fabulous videos and audio conferences! Loved them! Awesome way to "move the walls" of the classroom and let the students experience and engage in things they never would have the opportunity to otherwise do.
It is a very interactive resource and students don't have to leave the classroom to learn about specific topics in their own country.
The students we highly engaged. They love doing the LEARNZ field trips. It has activities that they can use in and out of the classroom, and it promotes a blended learning approach.
Extremely effective. Activated higher order questioning and students engaged in inquiry learning and we as a class had great discussion from the Argo Floats field trip. Keeping things simple with the live audioconferences was great. Easy for me to connect, thanks.
Love the two levels of reading in background pages. Also the audio. Great for students who have dyslexia. All students gained knowledge of the wider world and how scientists collaborate.
The children could connect what they learnt to their previous learning about Marine Environments. The information was really accessible through the video clips and Google Earth. We shared a video clip on our Blog so parents could also learn about the Argo Floats.
It fitted into the Level 3 Earth & Space Science Oceanography topic very well and extended able students in this Scholarship class. Also an excellent way to gain an understanding of careers in Science as well as current scientific research in NZ.
The opportunity to bring the outside world into my classroom is invaluable. Operating a digital classroom means students can work independently on the challenging video questions and choose to follow up with next steps when they want. Students recognised that this trip was really taking them to places they would be unlikely to ever see.
Very successful with my Year 13 Scholarship Science class. I was able to use the excellent information provided to construct a short study of the use of floats. From that we worked on questions that I constructed around Argo float data that we downloaded.
Generated a lot of questions and interesting discussion after a term of learning about water and rivers. The activities provide just enough information to allow students to think and ask questions. I find the field trips allow for a range of learning opportunities and experiences for our students.
Our class was fully engaged with this topic. This is a great way to connect students to environments that are more difficult to access.
It is a modern way of getting the children engaged in their learning. The children are now a lot more knowledgeable, geographically - they can identify oceans, understand currents etc. Being part of an audio conference allowed children to ask questions at their level.
A group of nine Year 6 extension maths students took part in this field trip. They made gains in a wide variety of skills, especially from taking part in the audioconferences. The field trip broadened their knowledge about data collecting, and how different countries collaborate by working together to investigate the data.
It is AWESOME! Students were engaged and intrigued by the ARGO floats field trip. They had heaps of questions and the trip enabled them to extend their critical thinking skills. The interactive nature of the website means that students can work through the material at their own pace and level. The field trips give the students the opportunity to interact with people who are experts in their field and find out information first-hand.
Students were able to make comparisons between Ohiwa and our local Ahuriri estuary. The field trip challenged them to think about what it means to be living near a coast. Covers diverse areas that would otherwise be inaccessible to my students.